Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Earth Week

Earth Week

On Earth Day, Our Lady of Lourdes went crazy on trees. Facts, movies, a presentation, plants and more! Our whole school got a chance to learn all about trees and how to take care of them. Who knew that the world’s oldest tree was 4 600 years old?! Or that one tree can process at least enough oxygen to serve 4 people in one day! Trees are amazing!

We watched The Lorax and we’ve seen a big improvement in O.L.O.L. ‘s Tree behaviour! The older kids watched The Man Who Planted Trees, a short clip that taught them about our earth’s trees.

The morning before, each class got a chance to do a tree trivia test. That was fun and a good way to learn about trees. We asked about 10 questions that were short but complicated. At 12:30 all of O.L.O.L.’s students came to see a presentation that gave facts about trees. 2 of our Eco friends, Sydney and Sofia, gave the answers to our “Tree Trivia”. We picked the classes with the most correct answers and they won a prize. They won a plant and they have to water them and give them sun. Then a class put on a show actually more like a concert about trees. They made a short rap about The Lorax and saving trees. It was amusing and we learned a lot! A while later, Ms. McCarthy’s class sang a song about the three R’s. To see what they learned, we asked a few questions. We asked about 2 each grade and we couldn’t believe how they learned!

For O.L.O.L., Earth Day 2012 was a huge success! Next Year may be even better!

By; Alessia Panzine
Grade 4 OLOL